10 Years of Supply Chain Excellence with ISCPO

https://losspreventionmedia.com/ten-years-of-supply-chain-excellence-with-iscpo/ Featured article By Jac Brittain, LPC While a new year is often associated with fresh starts, it can also mark important milestones for an organization, such as its track record of service, achievable results, and the trust and support of those we serve. This is especially true of non-profit organizations, working tirelessly with grand … Read more

Supply Chain Management: A Guide for LP Professionals

https://losspreventionmedia.com/supply-chain-loss-prevention/ A streamlined supply chain is vital for retail success. All merchandise flows through this network, underscoring the importance of implementing controls to safeguard our interests. Furthermore, learning more about supply chain management, operations, and the basics is critical to mitigate potential gaps or losses….

How Supply Chain Loss Prevention Is Responding to Changing Needs

How Supply Chain Loss Prevention Is Responding to Changing Needs To learn more about how innovation and technology are influencing the retail supply chain today, we held a roundtable discussion with several board members from the International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO) to gain their insights and perspectives on how the latest innovations are impacting … Read more

Misinformation, Censorship, and Big Tech –

January 15, 2021 The breach of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and its aftermath have highlighted just how much influence social media and technology companies like Twitter and Facebook have on real-world events. On January 8, Twitter permanently banned President Donald Trump from its platform, and many other tech companies including Facebook, Instagram, Google, … Read more

LPM Magpie Awards: Rhett Asher, Excellence in Partnerships –

The LPM “Magpie” Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others that demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession. Nominate your peers at Excellence[at]LPportal.com. Rhett Asher, Vice President of Strategy, ThinkLP “As most know, I love people. Since … Read more

The COVID-19 Evolution and the Global Supply Chain –

LP Magazine – By Glenn Master – September 13, 2020 It was March 3rd in Dallas, and we had just kicked off the sixth annual International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO) conference. Despite several speakers pulling out last minute because of company travel restrictions due to COVID-19, the conference was a huge success overall. The … Read more

Dec 2019 – Newsletter –

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN As we head into the 2020’s, I look back on the tremendous growth that supply chain security has seen over the past decade. In 2010, we were still getting our feet wet in eCommerce and today it has more than tripled as a proportion of in-store vs online retail sales with … Read more

The Fallout of Holiday Peak on Supply Chain –

The following article first appeared in the LP Magazine Europe’s Autumn edition. By Glenn Master November 18, 2019 As we all are well aware, the holiday shopping season seems to be starting earlier with each passing year. It was 21 October when I saw the first commercial advertising for the last holiday season. To my … Read more

The Next Ecommerce Emerging Market: The Middle East –

With the UAE positioning itself as a global financial center, retail has become one of the main economic drivers. By Glenn Master   August 15, 2019 LP Magazine Link When you hear anything regarding the Middle East, the overwhelming tone are visions of war, terrorism, and instability. Our course, if you look at the last … Read more